Exclusively Cuba
Since 1990 and throughout our 32 years of curating luxury travel to Cuba, Exclusively Cuba has cultivated a remarkable capability to deliver once-in-a-lifetime authentic content, catering to the adventurous. Our team in Cuba is constantly sourcing new, truly unique experiences that showcase the heart, the warmth,
and the magic of Cuba.
We deliver it to you in a seamless and unforgettable journey.
Call one of our Cuba Travel Consultants today
Private Travel, Not Bus Tours
Authentic Experiences
What our guests are saying
Full-time staff in the US and Cuba!
There is NO SUBSTITUTE for LOCAL EXPERTISE in Cuba! Exclusively Cuba is the only U.S. travel agency with a full-time staff in both the U.S. and in Cuba! Exclusively Cuba's team will ensure that your visit to Cuba is more than just a trip, it will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In Cuba, you simply can't book experiences online. Cuba is old-school, and relationships matter. Exclusively Cuba has been building relationships and creating life-changing experiences since 1990. Our Itinerary Planners and Concierge team are looking forward to creating your experience.