NOTE: To comply with recent changes in regulations, all travelers to Cuba who are subject to U.S. regulations are now required to organize their travel via an authorized sponsoring agency such as Exclusively Cuba. It is no longer permissible to directly book your own travel to Cuba.
Our clients often ask us, "How do I start planning my legal visit to Cuba?" We answered by creating this form. By providing us with as much information as possible, we'll be able to start planning an experience in Cuba that will be the trip of a lifetime. We'll provide you with a trip-specific quote for your customized itinerary. When you confirm the trip, our full-time staff in Cuba will prepay and confirm, in person, all of the arrangements you've requested. Our in-Cuba concierge team will be there to support you throughout your entire stay in Cuba.
If you are traveling to Cuba by private aircraft, please have the pilot, scheduler or appropriate aviation personnel submit an Aircraft Services Request form via our sister company Cuba Handling. It is a requirement that all private aircraft flying to Cuba submit an Aircraft Services Request form, so that we may obtain the necessary landing permits and aircraft handling / services.